Claim form
Appendix No. 1 - Complaint form
Address for package return:
REDFIR s.r.o., Ringhofferova 115/1, 155 21 Zličín-Třebonice, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 725 395 937
Making a complaint
Date of conclusion of the Agreement: |
Name and surname: |
Address: |
E-mail address: |
Goods being complained about: |
Description of product defects: |
Suggested way to handle the complaint: |
At the same time, I request the issuance of a confirmation of the application of the complaint stating when I exercised this right, what the content of the complaint is, what method of handling the complaint I require, together with my contact details for the purpose of providing information about the handling of the complaint.
Vrlo kvalitetan ručni rad, lijep dizajn remena i kopče. Na preporuku sam za partnera odabrala plavu s crveno-bijelim prošivom, a poklon je naišao na odličan odaziv. Mogu preporučiti svima.
Poštovani, jako mi je žao što u e-trgovini nije moguće staviti svoj monogram na unutarnju stranu remena. Da nije ove sitnice, jako sam zadovoljan i obradom i komunikacijom. Moguć dogovor i oko monograma o kojem sam pisala. Izrada je luksuzna. Nikada neću imati bolji remen.
Prekrasan kvalitetan remen, luksuzno pakiran, vrlo brza dostava. Jako sam zadovoljna, moj muž je također uzbuđen. Svakako preporučam